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李德立教授学术报告:On the Central Limit Theorem along Subsequences of Sums of I.I.D. Random Variables

发布时间:2016-05-06     来源:    点击数:

报告题目:On the Central Limit Theorem along Subsequences of Sums of I.I.D. Random Variables
报 告 人:李德立教授(Lakehead University,Canada)

The central limit theorem (CLT) has been described as one of the most emarkable results in all of mathematics and a dominating personality in the world of robability and statistics. Many mathematicians over the years have proved the CLT in many different cases, therefore provided different versions of the theorem. In this talk, we first provide a brief historical review of the CLT. The main purpose of this talk is to present a new CLT result (along subsequences of sums of independent and identically distributed random variables) established by Deli Li, Oleg Klesov, and George Stoica.


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