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学术报告:Nonequilibrium stochastic processes at single-molecule and single-cell levels

发布时间:2016-05-18     来源:    点击数:

报告题目:Nonequilibrium stochastic processes at single-molecule and single-cell levels
报 告 人:葛颢(北京国际数学研究中心,北京大学生物动态光学成像中心)  


摘要(Abstract): Stochastic process has a glorious history in physics, chemistry and biology. Due to the advance of single-molecule techniques, stochastic modeling and computation become more and more useful and popular recently. I will talk about several different issues related to stochastic processes at single-molecule and single-cell levels, including stochastic theory of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, the uncover of the molecular mechanism of transcriptional burst, and the fluctuating-rate model as well as the rate formula for the phenotype transition in an intermediate scenario of a single cell. A series of problems in applied mathematics could also arise from stochastic processes in physics, chemistry and biology.

   地址:中国山东省济南市山大南路27号   邮编:250100    电话:0531-88364100   院长信箱: sxyuanzhang@sdu.edu.cn