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Characterising the path-independence of stochastic differential equations: a problem arising in financial modelling

发布时间:2021-10-18     来源:    点击数:

报告题目: Characterising the path-independence of stochastic differential equations: a problem arising in financial modelling

主 讲 人: 吴奖伦,英国斯旺西大学(Swansea University,UK)


报告地点:腾讯会议 ID:757 588 345


This talk will address a problem arising in financial modelling with stochastic differential equations (SDEs). A characterisation theorem will be derived in which we establish a new link from SDEs to nonlinear parabolic PDEs. Starting from the necessary and sufficient conditions of the path-independence of the density of Girsanov transform for SDEs, we are able to derive a characterisation by means of nonlinear parabolic equations of Burgers-KPZ type. Extensions to the cases of degenerated SDEs, jump SDEs, as well as to (infinite dimensional) SDEs on separable Hilbert spaces will be discussed. A perspective to stochastically deformed dynamical systems will be briefly considered.


吴奖伦,英国斯旺西大学(Swansea University,UK)教授,伦敦数学学会会员。博士毕业于中科院应用数学研究所,师从严加安院士。先后为洪堡学者,德国波鸿-鲁尔大学数学研究所研究员(Research Fellow)、德国波恩大学应用数学研究所高级研究员、新加坡国立大学数学研究所高级研究员等。国内兼职∶ 西北工业大学客座讲座教授、华中科技大学数学中心东湖讲座教授、陕西省百人计划(西北大学数学学院)特聘教授、陕西省数量经济研究中心高级研究员、《纯粹数学与应用数学》编辑委员。主要研究数学、金融及统计物理中所涉及到的无穷维随机分析问题。在《Ann.Appl.Probab.》,《J.Funct.Anal.》,《J.Differential Equ.》,《Trans.Amer.Math. Soc.》,《Stochastic Process.Appl.》,《Potential Anal.》

《Bull.Sci. Math.》,《Commun.Math.Physics》等国际期刊上发表学术论文一百多篇。



   地址:中国山东省济南市山大南路27号   邮编:250100    电话:0531-88364100   院长信箱: sxyuanzhang@sdu.edu.cn